Automatically work with data backup in the cloud from your Delphi app

hubiC,theonlinestoragesolution,wasdevelopedbytheOVHgroup,aFrenchcompanyspecialisedindatahosting.DatacentresinFrance:Roubaix,Gravelinesand ...,在HubiC建立儲存空間.開啟HBS3。前往[儲存空間]。按一下[建立]。儲存空間選擇視窗隨即開啟。選擇[hubiC]...。參考影片的文章的如下:



hubiC, the online storage solution, was developed by the OVH group, a French company specialised in data hosting. Datacentres in France: Roubaix, Gravelines and ...

在HubiC 建立儲存空間| Hybrid Backup Sync

在HubiC 建立儲存空間. 開啟HBS 3。 前往[儲存空間]。 按一下[建立]。 儲存空間選擇視窗隨即開啟。 選擇[hubiC]。 登入視窗隨即開啟。 登入雲端服務。


a fast and reliable way to download files; a daemon mode to keep a folder synced with your whole Hubic cloud storage. Extra features that are not available in ...


This is an init script to run the hubiC client as a service in a non graphic environment. The service runs as the hubic user. For the uninitiated, hubiC is ...

Step 1: Generating the Hubic application (Optional)

Step 1: Generating the Hubic application (Optional). Generate client config. Step 2: Setting up client(s). Installation; Configuration. Mix Task (Advanced).

openSUSE 軟體

hubic. Synchronization Client for hubiC Cloud Service. Provides a DBus service and basic command lines tools to interact with hubiC Cloud Service.

How to Start hubiC 247 as a Windows Service with AlwaysUp

Automatically launch hubiC as soon as your server boots, without having to log in. Keep it running 24x7 to ensure that your files are always synchronized!


hubiC是一款由VOH.com提供的雲端硬碟服務,您可以將您的各類檔案都存儲在hubiC的線上空間。hubiC提供25GB的免費空間,您可以使用hubiC將本機檔案直接同步至雲端。而透過 ...

The hubiC service is now closed to new subscriptions

評分 4.8 (476) It is no longer possible to create a new hubiC account. Nevertheless, existing customers can continue to the use the service, for an unlimited period.

Download Hubic Client

Please click the appropriate link for your platform below to download the Hubic client, you can access your files via too.


hubiC,theonlinestoragesolution,wasdevelopedbytheOVHgroup,aFrenchcompanyspecialisedindatahosting.DatacentresinFrance:Roubaix,Gravelinesand ...,在HubiC建立儲存空間.開啟HBS3。前往[儲存空間]。按一下[建立]。儲存空間選擇視窗隨即開啟。選擇[hubiC]。登入視窗隨即開啟。登入雲端服務。,afastandreliablewaytodownloadfiles;adaemonmodetokeepafoldersyncedwithyourwholeHubiccloudstorage.Extrafeaturesthatare...